[Wylug-discuss] Re: [Wylug-announce] WYLUG Social and micro-mapping

John Hodrien johnh at comp.leeds.ac.uk
Fri Jun 20 23:47:15 BST 2008

On Fri, 20 Jun 2008, Roy Mac wrote:

> Keep in mind that at 54 degrees north, the GPS satellites are largely
> towards the southern sky.  There will be times where they are straight
> overhead or slightly to the northeast and northwest depending on your
> longitude.  These satellites will never be to the north from this latitude.
> Therefore, it will be helpful to avoid blockage from southern sky.  I am not
> sure how much blockage the human body will add.  It might be good to try
> some experiments ahead of time to determine how much your body blocks the
> signals.  These satellites are in 12 hour orbits, so it would be good to try
> it several times throughout the day as the geometries are constantly
> changing.

My GPS receiver works just fine from well within my North facing lounge.


"Come friendly bombs, and fall on Slough!
  It isn't fit for humans now,
  There isn't grass to graze a cow.
  Swarm over, Death."                                 -- Sir John Betjeman

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