[Wylug-discuss] "Dynamic" QR codes... [OT sorry]

Smylers Smylers at stripey.com
Thu Aug 22 09:16:05 UTC 2013

Jim Jackson writes:

> Ok so any advice on pros and cons of ways to redirect the QR url to
> the current content url. I'm proposing on running this on the
> volunteer groups webservice, so I'm not sure http redirection is on.

A lot of shared hosting providers provide support for uploading
.htaccess files (with redirects in them). It's probably worth checking
that, because it may be the simplest way to go.

Also when using QR codes, bear in mind:

Stop drug companies hiding negative research results.
Sign the AllTrials petition to get all clinical research results published.
Read more: http://www.alltrials.net/blog/the-alltrials-campaign/

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