[Wylug-help] Dabs & Phoenix

Daniel Walker danielwalker at fastmail.fm
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 11:16:13 +0000

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On Monday 03 Mar 2003 10:13, Frank Shute wrote:
> > Well, I did too, eventually. Cost me about the same once you factor in
> > something else I wanted that was 7 quid on Dabs and 3.20 on
> > Microwarehouse..
> Result!
Quite. I was pleased. I wasn't going to bother at 7 quid for an adapter. it
wasn't even Belkin...

> > > Yeah, it's the normal experience for any number of sites unfortunately
> >
> > I note Amazon, dvd.co.uk, and assorted other sites have no trouble
> > at all with Phoenix. So it's possible...
> Well Amazon of course use Linux and perl so I guess their developers
> probably use that to develop on also.
Dvd.co.uk uses ASP and IIS, AFAIK, and that works fine. So even if you're in
debt to the Evil Empire, it's still possible to support Linux clients.

> A few years ago, due to hardware restrictions, all I could use was
> Lynx so now I try and check out all my pages with Lynx.
Sadly, of course most versions of Lynx don't do SSL, so you wouldn't want to
use a credit card. Although I understand there's a lyns-SSL version.

> function makeVisible(theDiv)
> {
> 	if (IE4Compat)
> 	{
> 	<snip>
> 	}
> }
> err, where's the `else' statement? Duh. The developer has not checked
> this page in anything other than IE4.
Idiot boy (I assume. it might be a girl) - it might not even work in IE6 then.
Can anyone confirm?

> > The only reason I can see to do that would be to make the text size in
> > IE6 make some decent sense.
> I can't really make out what the hell the developer was up to. AFAIK
> there are no showstopping bugs in any of the browsers but when you
> start to stuff around writing your site around what navigator.appName
> returns you'll end up with a showstopper like the one above.
Agreed. especially if you leave the 'else' off.

> I will write but when questioned by the PHB the developer is likely to
> give him some flannel about browser incompatabilities rather than:
> "Sorry, I'm thick. I don't know what the hell I'm doing & my code is
> broken. But no I didn't charge you too much to build a site that
> doesn't work."
Quite likely...


- --
Daniel Walker
'Physics is like sex; sure, it may occasionally give some
practical results, but that's not why we do it"
- - Richard Feynman
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