[Wylug-help] understanding traceroute output.
Richard Wade
rik at tcpip.fsnet.co.uk
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 13:58:43 +0000
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Simon Wood wrote:
> I have a problem with my internet connectivity. There are a (not insignif=
icant) number of websites that I can't access. This has been the case since=
changing ISPs and their support department fails to find a solution claimi=
ng it is beyond their control.
It's not a Chinese organisation is it?
> One site I can't 'see' is www.linuxtoday.com <http://www.linuxtoday.com> =
- so you can see the importance of this call for help :-)
This site currently works OK from where I'm sat. Comparing the traceroute I=
get from here, we both go in to QWest's network (which makes sense ;-) and=
I also get traceroute strangeness as you indicate. Instead of !A indicated=
in your dump, I get !X, which indicates that this ICMP service has been ad=
ministratively denied in the QWest network. Therefore, traceroute isn't goi=
ng to help us too much with this problem.
> So two questions:
> 1). Can anyone offer an idea of what might be wrong?
I would be strongly inclined to blame it on your ISP's HTTP caches. Especia=
lly if it is only for certain Websites. You may find that they are hashing =
across a number of caches, one of which needs a [reboot|software upgrade|ne=
w disk|bug reporting|whatever]. You may want to check whether they are poli=
cy-routing all TCP port 80 requests through their caches. In this case, eve=
n though you may have proxies disabled, your HTTP requests could still be i=
ntercepted by the caches.
> 2). If it's not me (or something to do with my set up) how can I approach=
getting it fixed?
I would call the ISP about how their caches are set up and whether there ar=
e known issues with people accessing these sites.
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