[Wylug-help] ftp setup

Roger Beaumont roger.b at beaunet.force9.net
Tue Sep 21 10:32:25 BST 2004

On Tuesday 21 September 2004 09:35, gARetH baBB wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Sep 2004, Roger Beaumont wrote:
> > My son (in China) wants to send me some files that are inconveniently
> > large to send as email attachments, so I set vsftpd running...
> > STOR amber.jpg
> > 550 Access is denied
> Suggests a very intermitent net connection and/or a dodgy overworked
> Chinese transparent proxy.
> You're the one running the daemon, look at your logs to see why it's
> coming back with 550.

I thought logging was turned on, but no log to be found!
I've tweaked vsftpd.conf to give an explicit log location and name (the
default!) and done the ssh+gftp thing - and my successful transfers have now
been logged, so hopefully the next time my son tries, I'll have a log entry
to look at...

> > I've suggested that he tries 'ftp' from the (Doze) command line, but he
> > says that does the same as his gui s/w.
> What's wrong with forgetting about ftp and using scp/pscp ?

Is there a Doze client for scp (my son has yet to see the light <grin>)

> > I've ssh'd into a friends machine (to get outside my firewall) and both
> > sftp
> sftp is ssh.

I'll take your word for that, even though I don't undertand what it means...
(I'm using Linux [Fedora1] 99.99% now, but I still wouldn't say I'd 'got to
grips' properly yet.)

> > and gftp (cli) let me log in (as my son), list directories, create
> gftp also supports the sftp (or similar) transport of ssh, sure you're not
> using doing this over ssh ?

I definitely don't know. How could I find out?

Thanks for the help.


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