[Wylug-help] Mail server problem

Anne Wilson cannewilson at tiscali.co.uk
Sun Feb 27 14:05:18 GMT 2005

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 27 Feb 2005 13:34, Darran Rimron wrote:
> Examine your (x)inetd.conf setup. You may have some sort of tcpwrappers
> enabled.  Look in /etc/*inet* - and, if it exists, /etc/*inetd.d for
> files named for each individual services.  Look for lines like "allow
> from" or "deny from" or anything with IP addresses in it. These files
> should be both pretty minimal and self-explanitory.

service pop3
	log_on_success += USERID
	log_on_failure += USERID
	socket_type = stream
	user = root
	server = /usr/sbin/ipop3d
	wait = no

As you see, these are pretty minimal.  Should I try adding an ALLOW line?

> One "gotcha" that always used to get me in the beginning is that xinetd
> can (did?) use "disabled=true" - which always struck me as
> backwards/counter-intuative.
I had already changed that from 'yes' to 'no'.

> Something to be aware of is that localhost ( and your real
> address eth0(192.168.*) are different inferfaces so your application may
> not be listening on both.  This is where playing with nmap can be fun.
I hadn't really thought about that.  Telnetting localhost 123 makes a
connection, but localhost 110 doesn't.  The problem does seem to be in that
pop3 setup, I think, but I haven't a clue what to do next.

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