[Wylug-help] Using GPG

Mike Goodman mike at jazzitis.uklinux.net
Sun Jan 15 17:21:11 GMT 2006

Hey, Folks, this isn't quite as straightforward as I thought (what is?).

I send an email to pgp-public-keys at keys.pgp.net and put ADD in the
subject line. In the body - I put my public key? e.g. 1024D/F21F65D8
2006-01-15 [expires: 2007-01-15] ?
Do I need to put in my uid? If so, where? If not, how will the keyserver
know who it belongs to?

I suppose what I'm asking is whether to put this and nothing else in the
body of the email, and if there are any bits of it I should leave out?:

pub   1024D/F21F65D8 2006-01-15 [expires: 2007-01-15]
uid                  Mike Goodman (Personal Use)
<mike at jazzitis.uklinux.net>

(Evolution has wordwrapped the email address) I'd rather leave out the
email address 'cos it seems it's an invitation to every malicious
b*****d around to ask for the full keyring to get a whole spambox full.


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