[Wylug-help] Colour printer buying advice

Scott Hodgson linux at sh2515.plus.com
Mon Oct 15 19:55:53 BST 2007

A couple of points you may want to look into:
1: depending on the length left inactive, ink will dry up or clog the 
droplet holes.
2: Both HP and Epson are good for photo work, But for bulk ink supplies 
or cheaper cartridges Epson are better than HP as they have chips on the 
cartridge which usually takes longer to crack than Epsons.

Andrew J Cole wrote:
> Louisa,
>> Our criteria:
>> - we won't use it much so it doesn't have to be particularly quick or
>> heavy duty (we've got an old mono laser printer for when we don't need
>> colour);
>> - not too expensive to buy (up to a max of about =C2=A3200);
>> - not too expensive to run - we won't use that much ink but we don't
>> want to be locked out because we've not replaced the cartridge every 15
>> minutes or some other marginally-justified effort to rip us off;
>> - either laser or inkjet is fine;
>> - decent print quality - photo quality would be ideal but not essential;
>> - and, finally an essential: works with linux - ubuntu's gutsy after its
>> release on Thursday ;)
> In that situation (ie. with a laser for bulk printing) and not too high
> a requirement for photo quality prints I always go for one from the HP
> range(s) in fact I always look first at the mukti-function printers since
> they almost all do stand alone copying, scanning and double sided printing
> (and Fax?) as standard (and frequently thus solve other problems).
> If you want better colour quality a modern Cannon should be within your
> price bracket (but some of them drink ink).
> But clearly you need to watch out for any special driver s/w requirements
> even for networked printers.
> Andrew
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