[Wylug-help] BASIC OOo

Scott Hodgson linux at sh2515.plus.com
Tue Sep 25 18:27:19 BST 2007

I got the special edition OOo LXF magazine and in it has the Macro 
facility for collecting share prices, I typed it in and played with it 
as it had end sub for a function and other stuff that were cocking it up 
so have got the following but it doesn't work and I can't figure out why 
as I have not a good knowledge of programming could anyone help please.

Sub Main

End Sub

Function open_csv_file (url as string) as Object
Dim oProperty(0) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
oProperty(0).Name= "FilterOptions"
oProperty(0).Value= "44"
open_csv_file = starDeskTop.loadComponentFromUrl(url, "_blank", O, 
End Function

Sub Main1
Dim oDoc as Object
End Sub

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