[Wylug-help] server distro's - was grub problems...

Chris Davies chris at roaima.co.uk
Thu Jul 12 10:27:17 UTC 2012

On 11/07/12 22:19, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> I've always use RedHat followed by Fedora for my servers (and 
> workstations for that matter). I did try moving to CentOS but was 
> frustrated by the restrictive RPM base. I haven't tried anything else 
> yet, but was wondering what people's thoughts/suggestions were 

Am I allowed (!) to chip in and say that where I used to work we used 
Debian "stable" whenever possible (with specific non-stable packages if 
absolutely necessary), and RHEL when third-party support requirements 
dictated. For example, my development servers were Debian but the Oracle 
database underpinning them ran on RHEL. Servers run headless, thanks to 
BIOS-level remote access controllers, and without a GUI. My (work) 
laptop was - and still is - running Debian with a GUI. Mind you, much of 
what I run are xterms...

The reason I moved to Debian, and similar reasons have been quoted by 
the SysAdmin team, is that the package management "just works", and 
hides much of the dependency hell from the administrator. I believe yum 
now does a fair job on RH-type systems but I for one got absolutely fed 
up with the number of rpms that needed downloaded individually each time 
a new package was required. Once bitten, and all that.


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