[YLUG] Wireless networking of desktop PCs

ardenking5 at aim.com ardenking5 at aim.com
Fri Sep 25 00:45:30 UTC 2009

 have you thought of using homeplugs instead ?

I use them all the time for pcs work really well 




-----Original Message-----
From: Harry Mills <harry at haeg.in>
To: york at lists.lug.org.uk
Sent: Thu, Sep 24, 2009 10:47 pm
Subject: Re: [YLUG] Wireless networking of desktop PCs

Well PCI takes up a PCI slot whereas USB takes a USB port up so you could use whichever you feel you need less. USB adaptors tend to have more puny antennas but then again you can use an extension cable to route them out of the window and pick up wireless from that coffee shop down the road etc. I have used D-Link wireless PCI cards and Safecom USB adaptors in the past and both have worked fine. Generally search for anything that uses the Atheros chipset and it will be fine.

On 24/09/2009, Roger Leigh <rleigh at codelibre.net> wrote:

Hi folks,
 In order to prevent the need for long runs of ethernet around the
 house, I'm considering getting some sort of wireless hardware for
 my desktop PC in order to allow it to connect to the wireless

 network provided by our ADSL router.??I've not used wireless much,
 let alone on a non-laptop system where it is not typically built-in.
 Could anyone recommend any Linux-compatible hardware that can be

 configured without the need for NetworkMangler^H^H^H^Hager to
 make it work?
 I've seen both USB and PCI devices available; is one preferable
 or are both equally decent in terms of hardware support, ease of

 configuration and system overhead during operation?
??.''`.??Roger Leigh
??: :' :??Debian GNU/Linux???????????? http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/

??`. `'?? Printing on GNU/Linux??????? http://gutenprint.sourceforge.net/
?? `-????GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848?? Please GPG sign your mail.

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 York at lists.lug.org.uk

Harry Mills

If you don't have a good feel for the growth rate of powers of 2, then a little old man will save your daughter, and you'll grant him anything you want in your kingdom, and he'll say he just wants one grain of rice on the first square of a chessboard, then 2 in the second, 4 on the third, and so on. And then: you'll be all out of rice. 


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