[HLUG] Topics at Meetings

Julian Robbins joolsr1 at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 19 22:57:07 UTC 2010

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> LOL, I remember going to a BristolLUG meeting when I was relatively  
> new to all this stuff and being blown away by the number of people  
> talking assembly language or the finer points of tuning RPM Spec Files.
> Actually, that raises an interesting point, is it worth splitting the  
> meetings or alternating between "desktop" and "server" or "user" and  
> "administrator/developer" as guidelines for the kind of expertise that  
> the talks are aimed at?
Interesting point, but I think until we need to get more steady higher 
numbers to our meetings, otherwise we will end up diluting things too much.

I know Shropshire LUG were having bimonthly meetings, ie every two 
months as they didn't find there was enough interest to sustain monthly 
meetings, but I sort of wonder whether its just too long between 
meetings ? If you cant attend one due to birthdays, band practise, 
illness etc, etc then you would go 4 months between meetings - a pretty 
long time ..

> Kind regards,
> Matt

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